Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

Is your service stuck in two modes?

Are limited mode options restricting the potential of your service? intO’s Business Director, Jonny Jiang, has had this question on his mind, this month, while working with one of his RCA students on the D&AD / Barclays New Blood Awards brief. In this article, Jonny examines how thinking in terms of modes can benefit the customer experience.

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Posted on June 26th, 2020

Business Publications Innovation

Retail & hospitality brands should not wait to ease the covid-19 queues

Impacted by covid19, everything is taking longer than expected, whether that’s waiting in line at a retail store or boarding a plane. We’re even having to queue to shop online. Written by intO’s Jonny Jiang, this article explores how service design might try to bridge the gaps that WAITING is introducing to customer experiences in the retail and hospitality sectors.

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Posted on June 16th, 2020

Consumption Business Publications Innovation Research


关于intO - No Innovation can exist without a deep understanding of its customers. 成立于2011年,我们是一家总部位于英国伦敦的全球创新调研事务所。尤其在企业创新领域,我们为各类全球企业提供调研支持,帮助他们完成 a) 新市场、b) 新品牌、c) 新产品、d) 新服务体系的战略开发、设计和管理。在这些创新领域,我们通过实力强硬的调研设计、规划、管理和运作、以及宏观与微观调研分析等手段,为我们的客户提供高效和精准的创新情报。通过我们的工作,我们的客户能更专业的了解到不同层次的消费者需求和定位,更深入的把握到市场竞争中繁杂的大势所趋和细微的当下机会,更全盘的统筹企业的战略布局和版块合作。

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Posted on June 3rd, 2020

Business Publications Innovation Research
